Stay On Top Of Your Ship This Peak Season

With a record-breaking peak season ahead, staying on top of your shipping will be critical in avoiding disappointed customers and lost sales. To help you power through this peak season, we’ve wrapped up insights from industry experts on how you can optimise your shipping strategy, curate delivery options and improve delivery performance. Register below to get access to our video series.

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2020 Peak Season Benchmarks & 2021 Predictions

Keep Track of eCommerce Demand with Data-Driven Insights

Click through our Peak Power data to analyse eCommerce demand across the fastest growing industries this peak season including, Clothing & Apparel, Cosmetics and Shoes & Footwear. In the last year, these industries saw a 58% growth. Filter through the graph to see how eCommerce growth has changed over the last three years, and our forecasted predictions for 2021

Find Your Superpower...

Using Data to Improve Delivery Performance

Using your own shipping profile data, gain instant insights on how to improve your delivery performance. Shippit will show you how to change the way you understand, analyse and improve your deliveries.

Make Powerful Decisions...

De-Risking Deliveries with a
Multi-Carrier Strategy.

With volumes set to be at record highs this peak period, find out how to make use of a multi-carrier shipping strategy to make sure that your deliveries make it to your customers on time and without delays. 

Empower your Customers...

Controlling Delivery Experience with Optionality at Check Out

With delivery networks under unprecedented pressure this year, making the most of multiple delivery options will help your customers take control of when and how their deliveries will arrive. Find out how to make the most out of delivery options at check out to make your customers happy. 

Powering Global Growth...

Scaling Your Sales, Internationally this Peak Season

With online growth at an all time high, looking beyond your own borders can help you achieve your growth targets. Find out how Shippit can take your ship global with instant access to the best international carriers.

Power Through Peak with Shippit

Gain access to data driven insights to get a better understanding on how you as a retailer can stay on top of your ship this peak season.

Get more ideas on how to grow your business...

Fashion forward: 3 Ways to grow your online fashion business

As the number of online clothing and accessory retailers continues to grow, here's how you can become an online fashion trendsetter

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How online electronics retailers are plugging into rising demand

With the industry expected to double in revenue by 2025, here are some tips on how to plug into the rising demand for consumer electronics.


Beauty boom: How to grow your perfume and cosmetics business

Here are some tips to tap into new trends and expand into emerging categories in the perfume and cosmetic industry


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